We also wanted to say thank you to the Mermaid Inn. It was our first stay at the motel and we could not have been happier. Clean, quiet, and an incredibly friendly owner. Next time you're in Long Beach and need a place to stay check out the Mermaid Inn at the north end of Long Beach.

"Stunt Double" Jake enjoying his very own queen bed the night before his big day.

The artist who created the amazing Jake stunt double also created one of the best hot rod show awards we've seen. Congratulations again to Mike for winning the award with his Desoto-powered 1942 Ford pickup.

Mrs. Roadside taking stunt double Jake for a bit of exercise.

Each year they hold a contest to crown the annual Bride of Jake. Here's a shot of the newest Mrs. Jake. They look like they'll be very happy together:-)

The one and only Jake the Alligator Man enjoying a moment of fresh air on his big day. As Jake ages his trips outside of his controlled environment become fewer and fewer so it's always fun to see him basking outside.

Jake the Alligator Man would like to thank Vintage Roadside for the amazing event tshirt and extraordinary promotion of the event. Jake holds you dear in his cold blooded heart.
Jake's stunt double was truly gruesome to behold. Looks like the party was a blast.
Enjoying the site and dispatches from the road. Keep up the good work.
As the creator of Stunt Jake...I was and am deeply humbled by all of the fantastic comments I've recieved about him...he was a labor oflove. Thank you all.
I remember seeing Jake at Marsh's Free Museum...
Wendy - It's always a huge honor to help spread the joy that is Jake! It's also awesome to work with you too! Thanks for all your hard work. Let's do it again in 2010:-)
Matt - The stunt double's really something isn't he? Thanks for the kind words, we appreciate you taking a look at the blog!
William - You've created a wonderful work of art. We're honored to be spending some quality time with S.D. Jake.
TheRandomTraveler - He's still there and looking as good as ever:-)
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